Funscript Cosplay Porn Videos

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El Dorado. The legends are true. What a place. It's been a long road from Spain but you and your buddy Miguel finally made it, thanks to local spicy snack, Chel. She's actually turned out to be a pretty good con artist herself - the way she rigged that ball game with the armadillo was genius. But now it's time to go back to Spain with your gold but first, you must come up with an agreement to split the gold. Chel doesn't just want the gold, she also wants what's in your pants. Let her have it. This busty babe might try to fuck and suck you out of your share of the gold, but it'll be worth it. Road to El Dorado? More like road to Chel Dorado.

Tags: Blowjob LOL Brunette League Of Legends 180 Funscript Videogame
On any normal given day, Jinx is a trigger happy maniac. However, today Jinx is on vacation and taking a break away from the glory of chaos. Perhaps the lack of flying bullets everywhere has cleared the air for love, but an unexpected note from Harley Quinn leaves Jinx feeling intensely horny. Nothing gets Jinx hotter than shooting a gun, so when there aren't any around, the next best thing is busting out that huge "Cock Gun" in your pants.