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You've been getting a little closer with your pal Lilith lately. Running around the badlands, blastin' bandits, fighting Handsome Jack, and sticking it to Hiperion forms a pretty intimate bond. Today, when you're exploring a new area of your map, Lilith swings the door open in a panic. Claptrap has been on her ass all day, the annoying little fuck. Thank god that heap of junk can't climb stairs. Now that the two of you are alone, you've got months and months worth of sexual tension to release. Life can be short in the badlands, so make the most of your time with this sexy tattooed Crimson Raider.

Piloting an Eva has just always come naturally to you, hasn't it Shinji? Admittedly, you have been slacking when it comes to training, but Asuka is here to kick your ass into gear. That being said, she realizes that you might just be the better pilot. Jealous that your syncing skills are more refined than hers, a very frustrated Asuka decides that you can actually teach her a thing or two. Asuka wants to sync with you on a sexual level. Not entirely sure Misato would be cool with these new joystick lessons given all the weird sexual tension between you two, but hey, how would she even find out?

You're always getting those Sailor Soldiers out of tight spots, aren't you, Tuxedo Mask? Speaking of which, Sailor Moon has come to thank for your help, and she'll do so by putting you in another tight spot - her pussy. Sailor Moon is your favorite of the Sailor Soldiers, there's something about the way she transforms from a seemingly normal student into a badass superheroine. When she harnesses the power of the silver crystal, your cock gets harder than the battle with Dead Moon Circus. Anyway, just accept her thanks and channel the power of the moon through your dick before blasting your load all over her belly.

You've almost discovered all the secrets of Atlantis, Milo. Surely, your name would be up in lights back on the surface, but why go back there? Life in Atlantis is good, the women are beautiful and the architecture is equally sexy. You've been through a lot: Leviathan attacks, betrayal, and hours of ancient Atlantean translations, but things are finally calming down. Being such a fan of the island, you've proposed to Kida (fingers crossed for dual citizenship) and she is keen to show you her traditional pre-matrimonial dance ceremony. As it turns out, this "ceremony" is nothing more than a sexy dance followed by an anal session that would make the late King Kashekim turn in his grave.

Social situations can be a little difficult when you look the way you do, Vision. I mean, you do look a bit like a tomato. You've been seeing Wanda, AKA, the Scarlet Witch for a few months now, but she's tired of people staring when you're in public together. She casts a spell to make you look like a normal human being in an effort to convince you to go for a normal night out with her. Initially reluctant, you change your tune when she begins slobbering all over your dick and riding you like the fate of Sokovia is depending on it. You were going to go out to dinner, but who's to say if she'll still be hungry after swallowing your hot load?

Don't trust Ana and Elsa's snowman building abilities. They said they cast a spell over Olaf to protect him from the summer heat, yet just a few hours into summer, he was melting in the back of Ana's Corolla in a supermarket parking lot. She didn't even crack a window. When Elsa built you, she added a pinch more lust and an extra big carrot. Sick of living in an empty castle, Elsa created you for the sole purpose of fucking and after such a long winter, both of these girls are hot and horny. One thing is for sure, you might not have long in your solid state, so take this opportunity to fuck the two hottest babes in all of Arendelle.

The Enterprise is in a state of disrepair and even though Uhura should be on board repairing the comms devices, she decided to take a quick trip to Earth. Spock has been a straight up cunt, she's fed up with his Vulcan bullshit and she's thrown altruism out the window, the only thing that she knows will calm her down is an ample serving of dick. You always wanted to be on the Enterprise crew, but you botched your exams so this is as close as you will ever get. Uhura will have to get back to the ship soon, but she won't leave until she's had her face painted with cum. Make it so.

You're one of the most successful bank robbers in the world but it's no mistake that you are now in the custody of Wonder Woman. You've seen her fighting crime before, and for some reason, you imagined that she'd be an absolute tomcat in the sack. When she ties you up with the Lasso Of Truth, you spill the beans - the heist was just a stunt to get into bed with her. It works. Within minutes, she is harnessing the power of the Amazons and delivering seven shades of justice to your cock.

For the most part, your job consists of eating saturated fats and delegating work to your staff of freakish elf men that live in the shed next door, but today is different. It's Christmas, Nicholas. It's time to hop on that sleigh and get paid. But when Jinx shoots you down and leaves your team of reindeer bloodied and mangled on little Timmy's rooftop, your schedule is severely disrupted. Jinx has been a pain in the ass all year, but you still give her the pussy blaster she asked for and unsurprisingly, she's still not satisfied. She wants to empty Santa's sack. You've got a strict timetable so be careful Christmas doesn't cum too early.

Vault 101 isn't an exciting place to live, that's why Missy Martinez took her first opportunity to escape that sunless shithole. She's on the run and the Overseer doesn't take kindly to deserters. A couple of weeks ago, he stripped her of her Pip-Boy to make escape more difficult. Now alone, in post-apocolyptic Maryland, she is looking for Bottlecaps to start a new life. Missy finds you scavenging in the wilderness and she knows that there's one thing you outsiders don't get enough of, and that's fresh pussy. You've don't have any bottlecaps, but you do have a few spare bottles of Nuka Cola. There's no chance in hell that you'll get another opportunity to fuck a busty vault dweller like this again, so make the most of it before the radiation turns you into another feral ghoul.

Taylor is on the run from the First Order and she needs your help. She's been tracked to Jakkuoff by TIE fighter ace, FN-069. But like many stormfuckers, he is fairly incompetent and he crash-lands his ship in the desert within minutes of entering the planet's atmosphere. The stormfucker gives chase, but you're there waiting for them, aren't you? Pulling out your blaster, you put a hole through FN-069's torso and he drops to the ground. The way you handle your blaster has got Taylor as wet as the swamps of the Dagobah system and she is ready to show her gratitude. When she drops to her knees and puts your cock to the back of her throat, you know that this is going to be a fuck session to remember.

Jessa Rhodes was involved in a terrible accident which left her pussy eternally wet. Now a horny vigilante, Lady Deadpool is unable to contain her lust. It's your first day as a pizza delivery boy, and you haven't even made 5 bucks in tips yet. Jessa answers the door with a slew of pizza puns that can't be topped but she doesn't have the dough to pay you. She brings you inside and begins playing with her bald pussy before teasing you with her mouth and riding your cock. Give her some extra sausage with her pizza and forget about the tip, because you're going balls deep.